The application of phase conjugation in the compensation of dynamic wavefront aberrations for high p
For high power laser beam to the distortion of the practical problems, it proposes some methods at present only to compe......
Research of suppressing small-scale self-focusing based on the pre-compensation with negative B-inte
In high-power laser system,the performance of laser is limited when the beam is break-up by the small-scale self-focusin......
The final optics assembly (FOA) holds the last and individually most expensive large optics in large high-power lasers.T......
Temporal profile measurement research based on the self-focusing lens combined with optical fiber sa
In high power laser facility,multichannel composite temporal profile measurement system,which combines time-division mul......
When we do our jobs in high power laser drivers,we need to transit the foundamental laser with the wavelength of 1053 nm......
Based on the dynamic equations and JKR model,the process of free sedimentation of the particle contaminants in the light......
Single-shot electrons and protons time-resolved detection from high-intensity laser–solid matter int
Laser–plasma interactions have been studied in detail over the past twenty years, as they show great potential for the ......
与传统的边发射半导体激光器相比,垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSEL)具有线宽窄、光束质量好、可靠性高和制造成本低等优点。随着808 nm V......
Recent results in the development of diode-driven high energy, high repetition rate, picosecond lasers, including the de......
The Centro de Laseres Pulsados in Salamanca, Spain has recently started operation phase and the first user access period......
设计并制作了条宽100μm,腔长1 mm的有源区无铝高功率SCH-SQW激光器,室温连续输出功率达1 W,阈值电流密度为460A/cm2,外微分量子效......
In this paper, we give a review of some most powerful pulsed systems developed at the Institute of High Current Electron......
Magnetic field measurements in turbulent plasmas are often difficult to perform. Here we show that for kG magnetic field......
High-intensity laser-driven secondary radiation sources using the ZEUS 45 TW laser system at the Ins
The rapid development of high-intensity laser-generated particle and photon secondary sources has attracted widespread i......
The all-diode-pumped laser system POLARIS-an experimentalist’s tool generating ultra-high contrast p
The development, the underlying technology and the current status of the fully diode-pumped solid-state laser system POL......
神光Ⅲ原型装置终端靶场采用大口径取样光栅对透射的351 nm激光取样进行脉冲波形测试, 由于取样光聚焦点光线不是等光程的, 该取样......
Interaction between high-intensity lasers with solid targets is the key process in a wide range of novel laser-based par......
Reflection of intense laser light from microstructured targets as a potential diagnostic of laser fo
The spatial-intensity profile of light reflected during the interaction of an intense laser pulse with a microstructured......
We evaluate and demonstrate ultra-broadband near-infrared noncollinear optical parametric amplification in two nonlinear......
High power all-fiberized and narrow-bandwidth MOPA system by tandem pumping strategy for thermally i
An all-fiberized and narrow-bandwidth master oscillator power amplification (MOPA) system with record output power of 4 ......
Enhancement of the surface emission at the fundamental frequency and the transmitted high-order harm
Laser interaction with an ultra-thin pre-structured target is investigated with the help of both two-dimensional and thr......
Effect of rear surface fields on hot, refluxing and escaping electron populations via numerical simu
After a population of laser-driven hot electrons traverses a limited thickness solid target, these electrons will encoun......
基于600 mm口径的某激光发射系统, 提出了一种卷帘覆盖压紧式密封方法, 卷帘采用卷曲收放结构, 通过电机驱动卷轴转动带动同步带运......
受激布里渊散射(SBS)是一种三阶非线性光学效应,SBS 相位共轭镜(PCM)是基于SBS 的自抽运PCM,能实时补偿放大器和放大光路中的波前畸......
介绍了高功率激光系统的谐波转换系统匹配角调节的离线-在线技术。研究了如何将CCD近场仪应用于离线调节三倍频最佳匹配角, 该方案......
The acceleration of polarized electrons, positrons, protons and ions in strong laser and plasma fields is a very attract......
A new target design is presented to model high-energy radiative accretion shocks in polars. In this paper, we present th......
Bremsstrahlung emission from high power laser interactions with constrained targets for industrial r
Laser–solid interactions are highly suited as a potential source of high energy X-rays for nondestructive imaging. A br......
针对1 080 nm连续激光光学系统中反射镜的需求, 设计了低损耗高反膜膜系, 优化了膜系中的电场分布, 对高反膜元件工艺体系进行了控......
Polarization mode dispersion(PMD)is one of the main reasons that causes the FM-AM conversion in the PM front end of ......